Retaining Walls

Retaining walls fall into two categories: low landscaping walls and engineered retaining walls. Generally a retaining wall under 1.2 metres high does not require building consent, but anything above that height usually requires professional engineering planning and a building consent. Consents may be required even for lower walls if they are bearing unusually heavy loads (such as road traffic etc) or if the ground is unstable. Mr Fencer can advise when professional engineering assistance may be required. We are also able to provide site preparation, excavation and back-fill as well as construction of the retaining wall itself.

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Who is Mr Fencer?

The Mr Fencer journey started in 1996 when the business began providing timber fences for housing and rental properties, primarily in the commerical sector.

Since then, Mr Fencer expanded rapidly in the commercial and industrial sectors.

What We Do

Mr Fencer’s speciality is commercial development and properties, procurement and jobs requiring capital expenditure. Fencing, walls, gates and automation, and security are all specialities for Mr Fencer, along with fully customised jobs, electrified, and balustrades and chain links. 


Even the best quality product needs scheduled maintenance, and with any Mr Fencer fence or product, there are procedures for customer and installers, to ensure maximum life for materials, motors, components or more. For maintenance, advice or to book in maintenance or repair of any Mr Fencer product, contact us. 


Specification Guide

Reference material for procurement and technical officers/architects. Please contact us for further information, or more detail on these products.